Merry makers does have good entertainment instinct and they can put a beer mug as a hat to their
head. The spirit of fun and good sport can make them an extrovert on show, beside those that are intoxicated with alcohol... I recalled past days when in the name of entertainment that I had beer and spirits too much... the morning after with the heavy head, and vomiting out of bile did really questioned myself why I pay to suffer???
head. The spirit of fun and good sport can make them an extrovert on show, beside those that are intoxicated with alcohol... I recalled past days when in the name of entertainment that I had beer and spirits too much... the morning after with the heavy head, and vomiting out of bile did really questioned myself why I pay to suffer???
We can switched to more restful deed like looking at these gentle coloured bear with a tortoise colored cap band on their head and a matching scarf. They are sweet little bears that can give away to sweet little girls as a swing along items on their bags, pouches etc. These are about 8cm in height, it costs S$2.50 each and for bulk purchases minimum of 24 pieces, the price is S$1.50. These bears could not be purchased anywhere else as it is customed made and is not a mass circulated article in the soft toy world of bear.