A week long break and it took sometime to restart blogging new product here. The break came about because the landlord want to sell his warehouse and I have to start searching for a new storage space by 18th Sept. because he need to show the evaluator and buyers a neat place. Now, this search have to take in to consideration of shorter travelling time between home, office and warehouse so that minimising fuel costs and ERP routes.
T0 start blogging needs a good boost, these 2 coloured obese bears seem to work the magic... as their portly figure give a sense of contentment and air of prosperity. It is also soft to be hugged with. Any lady would love to hug them and giggles their childlike grins. How can they hugged it unless some kind soul give them that pleasure. It is not expensive to please them... These happiness gift bear standing at 25cm tall costs S$15.00 each only and can add joy to the receiver. For those who are keen to buy in wholesales quantity, please email me at singaporegiftshop@yahoo.com so that we could bid for a better price.