Friday, July 25, 2008

Paper Wine Bag good for presenting a bottle of wine...ofcourse!...what else?

These are traditional paper wine bags with motiffs and colors suitable for the occasion of handling up a bottle of wine for who ever you deem fit to have a proper wrapping... It adds value and grandious to the eyes. Make one wondering which vineyard it is from and how much Euro$ worth of the red stuff was your gift to the host...
All it takes to do the job is a S$1.00 bag from me. You may get it cheaper else where but go and search for it... I have a hundred of them in the designs and colors you see here.
How I end up with these bags is that a novelty shop asked me to bring it in and there after they told me their demand for it is low... So, I kept it to myself and use it... and I am sharing it with bloggers here... Cheer!!!

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